Building a Second Brain-Tiago Forte
[!abstract] Building a Second Brain
![Building a Second Brain 200]( - 书名:Building a Second Brain
- 作者:Tiago Forte
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- 出版社:Profile
1 Where It All Started
- 📌 Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.—David Allen, author of Getting Things Done ^6-603-722
- ⏱2022-07-0821:47
Introduction: The Promise of a Second Brain
- 📌 To be able to make use of information we value, we need a way to package it up and send it through time to our future self. We need a way to cultivate a body of knowledge that is uniquely our own, so when the opportunity arises—whether changing jobs, giving a big presentation, launching a new product, or starting a business or a family—we will have access to the wisdom we need to make good decisions and take the most effective action. It all begins with the simple act of writing things down. ^10500316-7ABtWD1Xp
- 💭 将收获的信息写下来,才可能变成可以在未来搜索到、使用到的知识。我们不必将所有信息都存储在大脑里。
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2 What Is a Second Brain?
- 📌 We spend hours every day interacting with social media updates that will be forgotten in minutes. We bookmark articles to read later,but rarely find the time to revisit them again. We create documents that are used once and then get abandoned in the abyss of our email or file systems. ^10500316-7ABwkbnpr
- 💭 科技固然能帮助我们提高生产力。但是很多人都没用对。群聊拿来扯淡,书签和剪藏都是稍后不读,很多文件都是临时创建一次,以后再也不用。等等。所以需要建立自己的原则和方法,避免反而被科技绑架。
- ⏱2022-07-0822:21
- 📌 All this is literally not just in your head. People can tell there is something different about you. They start to recognize that you can draw on an unusually large body of knowledge at a moment’s notice. They remark on your amazing memory, but what they don’t know is that you never even try to remember anything. They admire your incredible dedication to developing your thinking over time. In reality, you are just planting seeds of inspiration and harvesting them as they flower. ^10500316-7ABw6j0Pi
- 💭 作者这里通过将不做笔记和做笔记的2个人的一天的生活和工作对比,展示了做笔记或者说懂得借助科技构建第二大脑的人的有条不紊的节奏感。这一点真实存在着,比如我的发小建平,几乎从来不做笔记,啥事儿都靠自己大脑记忆,考研连续失败几年,工作也都得过且过每天骂老板傻逼,从未反思过问题最大的其实是自己。如果他能记录,能回顾,绝不至于失败至此。
- ⏱2022-07-0822:18
- 📌 This isn’t the same notetaking you learned in school. It’s time to elevate the status of notes from test prep and humble scribblings into something far more interesting and dynamic. For modern, professional notetaking, a note is a “knowledge building block”—a discrete unit of information interpreted through your unique perspective and stored outside your head. ^10500316-7ABvpZAUd
- 💭 和学校的记笔记场景的第二点不同。就是现在记笔记强调知识块,知识组块这种方式,才能更好被将来拿来和其他知识块或信息进行拼合组装,这本身也是思考的一部分。知识块这个理念,和卡片笔记写作法的理念,卢曼的理念都不谋而合。
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- 📌 When you enter the professional world, the demands on your notetaking change completely. The entire approach to notetaking you learned in school is not only obsolete,it’s the exact opposite of what you need. ^10500316-7ABveXuIF
- 💭 学校里做笔记,是为了应对考试。出了校门后,大多数笔记都废弃了。而如今我们所谓的第二大脑强调的做笔记,是希望这些笔记永久地潜在地服务于未来的我们,所以这些笔记不仅不能丢,而且要以能被将来搜索到,用上为目的去做。也就是常青笔记。
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- 📌 We have to recognize that the cognitive demands of modern life increase every year, but we’re still using the same brains as two hundred thousand years ago, when modern humans first emerged on the plains of East Africa. ^10500316-7ABuAJLMM
- 💭 我们必须意识到,现代高强度的生活和工作,要求我们具备更强的大脑使用效率和认知能力。但现代人的大脑,其实和古人没有大差别。因此才需要借助科技构建一个外置的第二大脑。这很像内存和硬盘存储的读取速度差别,从而需要引入高速缓存来进行中间地段的缓冲。
- ⏱2022-07-0821:55
- 📌 Anything you might want to accomplish—executing a project at work, getting a new job, learning a new skill,starting a business—requires finding and putting to use the right information. Your professional success and quality of life depend directly on your ability to manage information effectively. ^10500316-7ABukT2EL
- 💭 现在大部分人的成功,自己可以努力的部分,就在于他是否能有效管理和运用自己的信息和知识。
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4 Capture—Keep What Resonates
- 📌 It’s important to keep capturing relatively effortless because it is only the first step. You need to do it enough that it becomes second nature, while conserving your time and energy for the later steps when the value of the ideas you’ve found can be fully unleashed. ^10500316-7ALWkgSKy
- 💭 这个观点和flomp少楠的说法不谋而合,捕获一定要是无摩擦力,非常轻松的。先捕获下来,让这成为一个很自然的习惯。留足能量,因为后续还要花精力去处理和吸收这些捕获的外部信息和个人想法。
- ⏱2022-07-1518:45
- 📌 In a wide range of controlled studies, writing about one’s inner experiences led to a drop in visits to the doctor,improved immune systems, and reductions in distress.Students who wrote about emotional topics showed improvements in their grades, professionals who had been laid off found new jobs more quickly, and staff members were absent from work at lower rates. The most amazing thing about these findings is that they didn’t rely on input from others. ^10500316-7ALVPWTrl
- 💭 科学研究表明。把内心的感受,不管是情绪的内容,思考的内容,写下来,仅仅是这种做法,就能对人的身心健康带来莫大好处。甚至这些写下来的东西,再烂都可以,也不需要获取别人的认可。
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- 📌 Beyond Your Notetaking App:Choosing Capture Tools ^10500316-7ALVAevT2
- 💭 书、文章、音频、社交媒体等,万物皆可捕获,关键要用好捕获工具,统一收口。将这些捕获到的信息,放在最适合的app里面,等待下一步处理。
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- 📌 Capture Criteria #1: Does It Inspire Me? ^10500316-7ALV633Yl
- 💭 以及最后一个判别原则就是:它引发了我的共鸣,灵魂的、声音的、文字的、感官的,都可以,只要带来了共鸣,就值得捕获下来。
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- 📌 Capture Criteria #1: Does It Inspire Me? ^10500316-7ALUVm5Et
- 💭 捕获某条外部信息或个人想法的时候。问4个问题:1,它启发了我什么?2,它有用吗?3,它是我产出的想法吗?4,它有令我惊讶吗?
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- 📌 The more economical you can be with the material you capture in the first place, the less time and effort your future self will have to spend organizing,distilling, and expressing it.*^10500316-7ALUJwtWm
- 💭 像管理者一样去管理自己的信息,追求有效产出,而不是来者不拒。当我们捕获信息更用心,将来组织、消化和表达这些信息就越轻松,综合下来是更高效的。
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- 📌 There is a way out of this situation. It starts with realizing that in any piece of content, the value is not evenly distributed . There are always certain parts that are especially interesting, helpful, or valuable to you. When you realize this, the answer is obvious. You can extract only the most salient, relevant, rich material and save it as a succinct note. ^10500316-7ALUxmWoC
- 💭 无脑剪藏会导致将来再也不会去看它,因为它的可发现性为0。解决之道在于,要明白一件事情:任何内容,对我们而言的价值分布都是不均匀的,因此我们只需要关注对我们价值最高的那部分内容,把它提取出来即可。
- ⏱2022-07-1518:17
- 📌 Use your list of favorite problems to make decisions about what to capture: anything potentially relevant to answering them. Use one of the capture tools I recommend later in this chapter, or in the Second Brain Resource Guide at . ^10500316-7ALU6Effr
- 💭 建筑师、园丁、图书馆员和学生。不同身份用不同的笔记app。notion或craft、obsidian或roam、evernote或onenote、apple notes或google keep。
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- 📌 The goal isn’t to definitively answer the question once and for all, but to use the question as a North Star for my learning. ^10500316-7ALTEOoEk
- 💭 大脑中常备的问题,不是为了得到完整肯定的答案。而是为了通过问题,去引导我们更好地学习和思考。
- ⏱2022-07-1518:04
- 📌 The key to this exercise is to make them open-ended questions that don’t necessarily have a single answer. To find questions that invoke a state of wonder and curiosity about the amazing world we live in. ^10500316-7ALTy5UAo
- 💭 大脑中常备的模板问题,最好是开放性的问题,这样更能有激发我们的思考,突破思考边界。
- ⏱2022-07-1518:02
- 📌 Feynman revealed his strategy in an interview4:You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind,although by and large they will lay in a dormant state. Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, “How did he do it? He must be a genius!”In other words, Feynman’s approach was to maintain a list of a dozen open questions. ^10500316-7ALThsUD9
- 💭 其实就是在大脑中维护一个通用的提问的模板,在接触新论述的时候,用这个模板上的12个思维模型问题来提问,从而让自己的想法和观点快速明晰。
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- 📌 The meaning of a thought, insight, or memory often isn’t immediately clear. We need to write them down, revisit them, and view them from a different perspective in order to digest what they mean to us. It is exceedingly difficult to do that within the confines of our heads. We need an external medium in which to see our ideas from another vantage point, and writing things down is the most effective and convenient one ever invented. ^10500316-7ALSUzZX8
- 💭 想法、洞见、记忆、闪念在出现的当下,可能不是立马就能完全清晰的,因此我们更需要把他们写下来,以便回顾和消化他们,并延展出更完备的想法。一定要写下来。就像梦一样,不写下来,马上就忘。
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- 📌 A knowledge asset is anything that can be used in the future to solve a problem, save time, illuminate a concept, or learn from past experience. ^10500316-7ALRtoV7O
- 💭 知识财产可以是任何东西,只要它能够在将来,帮助我们解决问题,节约时间,澄清概念,或从过去的经验中学习。
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- 📌 Think about your favorite athlete, musician, or actor.Behind the scenes of their public persona, there is a process they follow for regularly turning new ideas into creative output. The same goes for inventors, engineers,and effective leaders. Innovation and impact don’t happen by accident or chance. Creativity depends on a creative process . ^10500316-7ALQSZSND
- 💭 创造不是偶然发生的。各行各业的大神牛人,一定有一套自己一以贯之的创造性的流程、方法和习惯,使得其能源源不断产出,而不是靠偶尔的灵感和习惯。或者说,他获得灵感的方式和途径,是他的流程化的习惯。
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5 Organize—Save for Actionability
- 📌 The purpose of a single note or group of notes can and does change over time as your needs and goals change.Every life moves through seasons, and your digital notes should move along with them, churning and surfacing new tidbits of insight from the deep waters of your experience. ^10500316-7AMeMgqcg
- 💭 信息的分类组织位置不是一成不变的,是可以流动的,还是跟着项目来。
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- 📌 There is a parallel between PARA and how kitchens are organized. ^10500316-7AM4yJJdr
- 💭 PARA对比厨房:餐具和食材、电冰箱、储存室、冷库。
PARA不是一个完美的分类系统,它具有足够的灵活性,快速转换位置,帮助我们适应同样快速迭代的现代工作和生活。 - ⏱2022-07-1520:50
- 💭 PARA对比厨房:餐具和食材、电冰箱、储存室、冷库。
- 📌 This is why it’s so important to separate capture and organize into two distinct steps: “keeping what resonates” in the moment is a separate decision from deciding to save something for the long term. ^10500316-7AM3U7vVw
- 💭 采用PARA方法,基于文件夹或标签进行分类,归类的时候,是耗散精力的,有摩擦力的。这也是为什么要把捕获capture和organize这2个步骤严格分开的原因,笔记要保证捕获是无摩擦力的,才能让人更愿意做,后续的organize才有东西可以组织。
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- 📌 Projects that are completed or canceledAreas of responsibility that you are no longer committed to maintaining (such as when a relationship ends or after moving out of your apartment)Resources that are no longer relevant (hobbies you lose interest in or subjects you no longer care about) ^10500316-7AM2w4J4q
- 💭 p项目完成,a领域失去关注价值,r资源失去兴趣,则可以Arhives。数字化的归档没有成本,且在将来有可能需要用的时候,随时搜索出来。但归档这个动作本身,却能给我们带来莫大的心理舒适区,不会积累过多压力。像一张兜底的安全网,默默守护我们。
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- 📌 Any note or file that isn’t relevant or actionable for a current project or area can be placed into resources for future reference. ^10500316-7AM2hgfoR
- 💭 Resource和Project与Area最大的区别就是,没有行动性,没有截止日期,没有具体目标。
打个比方:P是作业,A是课本,R是词典。那么我的目标如果是:1个月内建设自己的第二大脑,那么相关实践类文章是我的P;知识管理,软件效率类的文章技巧,是我的A;第二大脑这本书,将成为我的R。 - ⏱2022-07-1520:16
- 💭 Resource和Project与Area最大的区别就是,没有行动性,没有截止日期,没有具体目标。
- 📌 Each of these is an example of an area of responsibility, and together they make up the second main category of PARA. All these areas, both personal and professional, require certain information to be handled effectively, but they’re not the same as projects.[插图]^10500316-7AM1spRUY
- 💭 Area,和project的最大区别,就是它没有截止日期。它往往是一个概念性的、领域性的单词。比如健康、写作、财务、产品设计、法律等等。2者的关系,有点像专业课程和专业名称,前者需要我们上完一门门课,后者用一个专业名称概括了这些课的最终目的。
那么执行性更强的,时效性更强的信息和材料,就放到project里面。理论性,概念性更强的信息和材料,就放到area里面。 - ⏱2022-07-1520:03
- 💭 Area,和project的最大区别,就是它没有截止日期。它往往是一个概念性的、领域性的单词。比如健康、写作、财务、产品设计、法律等等。2者的关系,有点像专业课程和专业名称,前者需要我们上完一门门课,后者用一个专业名称概括了这些课的最终目的。
- 📌 Projects at work: Complete web-page design; Create slide deck for conference; Develop project schedule; Plan recruitment drive.Personal projects: Finish Spanish language course; Plan vacation; Buy new living room furniture; Find local volunteer opportunity.Side projects: Publish blog post; Launch crowdfunding campaign; Research best podcast microphone; Complete online course. ^10500316-7AM0SPjPS
- 💭 Project的定义,符合SMART原则。例如,
总而言之,知道自己当前应该聚焦在哪些项目上,有项目驱动时间分配的意识,很重要。 - ⏱2022-07-1519:54
- 💭 Project的定义,符合SMART原则。例如,
- 📌 With the PARA system, every piece of information you want to save can be placed into one of just four categories:Projects: Short-term efforts in your work or life that you’re working on now.Areas: Long-term responsibilities you want to manage over time.Resources: Topics or interests that may be useful in the future.Archives: Inactive items from the other three categories. ^10500316-7AM0xU3xa
💭 P,短期的,当前聚焦的项目。
A,不活跃的归档项。 -
- 📌 The promise of PARA is that it changes “getting organized” from a herculean, never-ending endeavor into a straightforward task to get over with so you can move on to more important work. ^10500316-7AM0ilZS8
- 💭 PARA的远景是,将组织信息这个动作,从一项需要不断投注精力的事情,变成了一个直接可执行的任务,这样我们节约下来的精力方能聚焦在更重要的工作上。
- ⏱2022-07-1519:45
- 📌 That is what I did, and to my surprise, it worked. Over time, I refined,simplified, and tested this action-based approach with thousands of students and followers. I eventually named this organizing system PARA,*which stands for the four main categories of information in our lives: Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archives. These four categories are universal, encompassing any kind of information, from any source, in any format, for any purpose.† ^10500316-7ALZHLF6y
- 💭 以行动为导向的信息组织方式PARA,它基于某个信息的可执行可行动程度,而非基于信息的种类。使用PARA方法,我们需要回答一个简单的问题:这个信息,在哪个项目中,是有用的?
- ⏱2022-07-1519:36
- 📌 Once you’ve created this environment, you’ll know where to go when it’s time to execute or create. You won’t have to sit down and spend half an hour painstakingly gathering together all the materials you need to get started. Your Second Brain is like a mind cathedral that you can step into any time you want to shut out the world and imagine a world of your own. ^10500316-7ALXLPCAu
- 💭 笔记系统或者说第二大脑,也有一个类似大教堂效应的内在环境,也就是组织系统。有序的笔记组织系统,更能促进我们沉下心来,快速开始思考、创作和产出。糟糕的组织系统,会让我们每次都要花一点固定损耗时间,才能进入状态。
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- 📌 There’s a name for this phenomenon: the Cathedral Effect.2Studies have shown that the environment we find ourselves in powerfully shapes our thinking. When we are in a space with high ceilings, for example—think of the lofty architecture of classic churches invoking the grandeur of heaven—we tend to think in more abstract ways. When we’re in a room with low ceilings, such as a small workshop, we’re more likely to think concretely. ^10500316-7ALXwSCkX
- 💭 大教堂效应。环境影响我的思维模式。在教堂这类地方,我们会思考更终极更抽象的问题。在商店这种地方,我们会思考更实际更具体的问题。
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- 📌 Twyla Tharp’s box reveals the true value of a simple container: it is easy to use, easy to understand, easy to create, and easy to maintain. It can be moved from place to place without losing its contents. A container requires no effort to identify, to share with others, and to put in storage when it’s no longer needed. We don’t need complex, sophisticated systems to be able to produce complex, sophisticated works. ^10500316-7ALXjLJZL
- 💭 一元化收集,将原始材料都丢到这个盒子里,并为这个盒子定下它的使命:项目目标。这么做的好处就是,目标明确,行动明确且轻松,因为找不到方向的时候,有个盒子作为百宝袋,能极大缓解心理负担。这跟LYT的SPACES也有点像,创建一个空间,专门用于某个项目。最后在完成这个项目的以后,材料可以归档。并且这些材料,可以作为回顾的线索,帮助自己改进,让自己下一次做项目的时候,知道如何做得更好。
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6 Distill—Find the Essence
- 📌 Distillation is at the very heart of all effective communication. The more important it is that your audience hear and take action on your message, the more distilled that message needs to be. The details and subtleties can come later once you have your audience’s attention.What if your future self was just as important as these VIPs? How could you communicate with them through time in the most efficient, concise way? ^10500316-7B46lBllp
- 💭 当我们为重要场合做准备或演讲,回复一个重要邮件等等,我们肯定会想方设法让自己直击重心,不会废话连篇。那么给未来的自己做笔记也是同样,只讲重要的内容,他才能进行有效提取,知识的传递才能更有效。
当然准备某个重要的东西,往往花费大量时间。写笔记不用如此,但为了达到同样的效果,需要花一定的时间精力,去取得效果和耗时的平衡。 - ⏱2022-07-2717:18
- 💭 当我们为重要场合做准备或演讲,回复一个重要邮件等等,我们肯定会想方设法让自己直击重心,不会废话连篇。那么给未来的自己做笔记也是同样,只讲重要的内容,他才能进行有效提取,知识的传递才能更有效。
- 📌 Imagine your future self as a demanding customer. They will surely be impatient and very busy.They won’t have time to pore through page after page of details just to find the hidden gems. ^10500316-7B460MJUG
- 💭 如果写的笔记不具有可发现性。想象将来某个时刻的自己,正急需找到现在做的笔记,但是搜索了几秒几分钟后,发现没找到,就会失望而归,不会有足够的耐心和诉求去花大量时间找曾经做过的笔记。如果是这种场景,也就意味着,现在做的笔记就是没有用的。
除了可发现性,还要注意其价值性。因为可发现性和价值性往往是矛盾的,越容易发现,也许信息越少价值越少。假设我们是未来的自己的销售,我们既要把笔记做精简,以便产品能被发现,又要把笔记做好,以便能让未来的自己买账。 - ⏱2022-07-2717:13
- 💭 如果写的笔记不具有可发现性。想象将来某个时刻的自己,正急需找到现在做的笔记,但是搜索了几秒几分钟后,发现没找到,就会失望而归,不会有足够的耐心和诉求去花大量时间找曾经做过的笔记。如果是这种场景,也就意味着,现在做的笔记就是没有用的。
- 📌 The most important factor in whether your notes can survive that journey into the future is their discoverability—how easy it is to discover what they contain and access the specific points that are most immediately useful. ^10500316-7B45FdDy0
- 💭 笔记对于未来的价值,衡量指标之一就是:可发现性。将来找不到的笔记,那还是相当于零作用。
而可发现性,就意味着,不仅不能原文摘录,要用自己的思维习惯消化完后用自己的语言写笔记,而且还要建立更多的连接,将来也能在这些连接之间,通过较少步的跳转,发现目标笔记。 - ⏱2022-07-2717:07
- 💭 笔记对于未来的价值,衡量指标之一就是:可发现性。将来找不到的笔记,那还是相当于零作用。
- 📌 You’re talking to a sales prospect about their goals and challenges now, but when you could really use that information is next year, when they start taking bids for a huge new contract. ^10500316-7B45odGjq
- 💭 我们当前学习销售技巧,结果可能要好几年后才能用得上。这也是目前大学生都说学校学的东西没有用的原因之一,学习通过考试后,就基本束之高阁了,当然就显得学习这些知识没有用。
要打破这种困境,就需要建立系统知识库,并把消化过的知识记录在这,将来有用到的时候,能够通过搜索,发现这些曾经消化学习过的东西,并快速唤醒大脑相关记忆和知识。 - ⏱2022-07-2717:03
- 💭 我们当前学习销售技巧,结果可能要好几年后才能用得上。这也是目前大学生都说学校学的东西没有用的原因之一,学习通过考试后,就基本束之高阁了,当然就显得学习这些知识没有用。
- 📌 In this sense, notetaking is like time travel—you are sending packets of knowledge through time to your future self. ^10500316-7B457p8H1
- 💭 增援未来。只有经过消化的笔记,才可能变成知识包,传送给未来的自己。
- ⏱2022-07-2716:59
- 📌 Coppola considered the prompt book that emerged from this process the most important asset in the production of his now classic film: “the script was really an unnecessary document; I didn’t need a script because I could have made the movie just from this notebook.” ^10500316-7B44Pvcyb
- 💭 卧槽,这导演有点牛逼啊。听说的其他导演,基本都是需要剧本的。这哥们相当于自己读完小说后,在拍戏现场,自己大脑实时运算生成预演剧本了。
- ⏱2022-07-2716:55
- 📌 He started with an initial read of the entire novel, noting down anything that stuck out to him: “I think it’s important to put your impressions down on the first reading because those are the initial instincts about what you thought was good or what you didn’t understand or what you thought was bad.” ^10500316-7B44CvUG9
- 💭《教父》的导演说,第一次通读整篇小说,把其中的打动点写下来非常重要。无论是初始印象,或好或坏,或者一些理解不了的东西,或者一些认为不好的思想,都可以记录下来。只要它令你产生情绪波动。
- ⏱2022-07-2716:51
- 📌 To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom,remove things every day.—Lao Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher ^10500316-7B449qOZe
- 💭 为学日益,为道日损,损之又损,以至于无为,无为而无不为。取天下常以无事,及其有事,不足以取天下。
- 💭 为学日益,为道日损,损之又损,以至于无为,无为而无不为。取天下常以无事,及其有事,不足以取天下。
- ⏱ 2022-07-27 16:44
[[2022-06-30]]读[[Building a Second Brain-Tiago Forte]],恍然大悟。PARA应该是用来组织信息,而非组织笔记。不应该生搬硬套到我的[[个人知识笔记系统]]中,而是应该纳入[[个人信息管理系统]]。
[[Building a Second Brain-Tiago Forte]]中,将[[第二大脑]]的建设,概括为4个有机结合的阶段[[🔡CODE]]。Capture,Organize,Distill,Express